First Responder Family Resources of Cowlitz County
The First Responder Family Resources of Cowlitz County is working for our local emergency services families to create “a proactive, first responder family resource that will equip our families to thrive.”
As the first line of support for First Responders, our families’ health and wellness are ESSENTIAL! Home and family are where our loved ones go to recover and thrive outside the job. Often we are not prepared to understand the effects of the job on family life, our marriages, or even the overall impact to the health and wellness of our loved one.
This page along with the corresponding Facebook page were created to better equip our families!
The First Responder Family Resources Group of Cowlitz County is made up of spouses, emergency services personnel, and administrators who recognize the importance of providing pro-active support and hands-on resources not only to the personnel themselves, but just as importantly, to the families they come home to.
As we continue to identify the needs of the family unit and find answers to those needs, these sites will grow into a place where you can find resources on multiple subjects having to do with being a first responder family; to learn what is going on within our local Emergency Services community; and help you and your family move beyond surviving and find a renewed vitality – to THRIVE!
We recognize that all services have their different roles, but as family, spouses/partners, and people with a heart to serve we are all in this together.
If you are new to being a first responder family or have had the privilege of being one for many years – WELCOME!